OUR MISSION STATEMENT To serve our community, at every level, by offering ongoing support to our most vulnerable population during times of disaster and acute crisis. Spokes of Hope (in parternship with other disaster relief organizations, such as CityServe and 180 Disaster Relief) serves as a resource hub for ongoing community needs, supplying basic food provisions, essential home items, providing training in skilled trades, and hosting events relevant to improving the quality of life, while bringing hope to our area.
Our National outreach is growing. It is our goal to assist communities across the country in times of crisis. Through prayer, provision and hands on assistance, we will serve as a resource for these communities.
HEALTH STATEMENT Before you participate in any activity under the umbrella of Spokes of Hope or its affiliate organizations (i.e., CityServe, 180 Disaster Relief) you must consider sickness and the spreading of sickness as your responsibility. Personal safety and hygiene begins with you. We would feel horrible if the spread of flu or any Covid variant occurred. Close contact or physical distancing should be gaged by your comfort level. Hopeful Restoration Group / Spokes Of Hope, CityServe, and 180 Disaster Relief, and will not be held responsible for the lack of an individuals personal hygiene.